Senior Career Researchers Subcommittee

Phil Elliott

SCR Subcommittee Chair

I work in NHS research at Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, an active research organisation which provides mental and physical hea [...]

Janis Baird


I am a Professor of Public Health and Epidemiology within Medicine at the University of Southampton and the past chair of the Senior Career Researcher [...]

Simon Capewell

Honorary member and Chair of the 2021 ASM LOC

I am an Emeritus Professor of Public Health, Policy, and Systems at the University of Liverpool and the Chair of the ASM Local Organising Committee 20 [...]

Carol Brayne

Chair of ASM LOC 2020

I am a Professor of Public Health Medicine in the Department of Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Cambridge and Director of the Camb [...]

Ian Harvey

SCR Subcommittee

I am an Emeritus Professor at Norwich Medical School.[...]

Sarah Wild

SCR Subcommittee

I am a Personal Chair in Epidemiology. My main research interests are the epidemiology and prevention of non-communicable diseases, particularly among [...]

Nick Payne

SCR Subcommittee

I am an Honorary Professor of Public Health at the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) at the University of Sheffield. My interests hav [...]

Jo Thompson Coon

I am an Associate Professor at the University of Exeter where I lead the PenCLAHRC Evidence Synthesis Team.I am involved in producing systematic r [...]

Tarani Chandola

SCR Subcommittee

I am a Professor of Medical Sociology with research interests in inequalities in health and psychosocial factors. I am the director of the HKU Methods [...]

Lesley Smith

SCR Committee Member

I am a Professor of Women's Public Health at the University of Hull. The areas of my research are alcohol including alcohol and pregnancy, maternal he [...]