SSM Mentors

Prof Annie Britton

SSM Mentor

Annie has researched the health consequences of alcohol consumption across the life course, and she is based at the Institute of Epidemiology and Heal [...]

Prof Simon Capewell

SSM Mentor

Simon Capewell is an Emeritus Professor, Institute of Population Health, University of Liverpool. Simon has worked in public health for decades, teach [...]

Prof Tarani Chandola

SSM Mentor

Tarani Chandola is a Professor of Medical Sociology with research interests in inequalities in health and psychosocial factors. He is the director of [...]

Dr Phil Elliott

SSM Mentor

Phil Elliott works in NHS research at Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, an active research organisation which provides mental and [...]

Dr Myer Glickman

SSM Mentor

Myer Glickman is Head of Epidemiology, Climate and Global Health at the Office for National StatisticsMyer leads official statistics development o [...]

Dr Catherine Hayes

SSM Mentor

Catherine Hayes is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Population Health, Trinity College Dublin.Catherine’s particular expertise lies in [...]

Prof Laura Howe

SSM Mentor

Laura Howe is a Professor of Epidemiology & Medical Statistics at the University of Bristol.Laura’s research uses life course and genetic ap [...]

Prof George Kernohan

SSM Mentor

George Kernohan is a Professor of Health Research at Ulster University in Northern Ireland.George completed a bioengineering PhD in the sounds of [...]

Dr Sheena McHugh

SSM Mentor

Sheena McHugh is a  Senior Lecturer at the School of Public Health, University College Cork.Sheena leads a research group of post-doctoral resear [...]

Dr Snehal Pinto Pereira

SSM Mentor

Snehal Pinto Pereira is an Associate Professor in Population Health and Applied Statistics, UCLSnehal leads work in three main areas: on obesity, [...]

Dr Peter Tennant

SSM Mentor

Peter Tennant is an Associate Professor of Health Data Science at Leeds Institute for Data Analytics, University of Leeds. His primary interests are i [...]

Prof Chris Todd

SSM Mentor

Chris Todd is a Professor of Primary Care and Community Health, University of Manchester. Chris leads the Healthy Ageing Research Group at the Univers [...]

Prof Martin White

SSM Mentor

Martin White is a Professor of Population Health Research at the MRC Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge. Martin leads research on understandi [...]

Prof Sarah Wild

SSM Mentor

Sarah Wild has worked at the University of Edinburgh since 2002 and is now a Professor of Epidemiology and an honorary consultant in public health at [...]

Dr Eleanor Winpenny

SSM Mentor

Eleanor Winpenny is an MRC Career Development Award Fellow at the MRC Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge Eleanor leads a research group focus [...]