We are holding a special election for two Co-Chairs for the Society for Social Medicine and Population Health ECR Subcommittee, beginning in 2022. This is a great opportunity to lead a large and active subcommittee which has brought to ECRs the successful fellowship writing Seminar in April this year, the 2020 SSM ASM ECR Event on collaboration within and outside academia, and the upcoming 2021 ECR Survey and ASM Event. Together with your Co-Chair you will represent the voices of ECRs within SSM, gain valuable leadership and management skills, and collaborate on wider SSM projects with the main committee, including helping to organise the 2022 ASM in Exeter.
The wider SSM ECR Subcommittee represents the views of ECRs on the main SSM Committee, organises tailored events for ECRs, and runs a dedicated email/jobs list and social media presence. We also monitor the SSM Mentoring Scheme and Network Platform. The committee acts on a rolling basis where each member serves a three-year term and new spaces are made vacant by departing members. Being a SSM ECR Subcommittee member is an opportunity to network with senior academics, peers and colleagues, and to get involved in discussions about the future of the research in this field.
Successful applicants will join the subcommittee as Observing Officers, before assuming Co-Chairship on 1st January 2022 until the end of the year, following which you may remain on the subcommittee in another role for two further years. Nothing will be expected of you as an Observing Officer other than the chance to attend bi-monthly subcommittee meetings, as well as shadow our current Chair and Vice-Chair at main SSM committee meetings. This will allow you to get a feel for the role and plan ahead for your Co-Chairship.
To apply, please email ecr.ssm@gmail.com with the subject “ECR Co-Chair Nomination” and the following information on or before 9th July. A ballot will be held of all ECR members to elect the two Co-Chairs from all confirmed applicants from the 12th-31st July.*
*Only your name, and <75 word description will appear on the electronic ballot.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch at ecr.ssm@gmail.com or on Twitter at @ECR_SSM. Our current Chair Paul Henery (paul.henery@glasgow.ac.uk), Vice-Chair Catherine Friel (c.friel.1@research.gla.ac.uk) and Past Chair Kate O’Neill (kate.oneill@ucc.ie) can also answer any queries you may have about chairing the subcommittee, should you need it.
Note: Only current members of the SSM are eligible to stand. If you are not currently a member, you can join the Society here or by emailing the membership secretary at socsocmed@gmail.com.
Best wishes,
The SSM ECR Subcommittee
Paul Henery, Catherine Friel, Seun Esan, Anna Head, Eftychia Kotronia, Heidi Lai, Kate Mason, Niamh McGrath, Kate O’Neill, Mairead Ryan, Amrit Purba & Ellen Schwaller