This newsletter features Kate Hunt’s first President’s Letter and we introduce the new MCR sub committee co-chairs – Emily Petherick and Shelina Visram – as well as the members of the SCR committee which was launched in September last year.
We showcase the latest achievements of our ECR members and the research contributions our members have been making in response to the pandemic. This includes links to articles, videos, podcasts and work in progress on how Covid-19 has impacted shopping, eating behaviour, policies, inequalities and much more. Not to mention the many other ways our members have been contributing to the pandemic that we in the newsletter team would like to acknowledge.
The newsletter includes information on the online events the society has planned. The society’s next Annual Scientific Meeting will now be taking place online for the first time, from 9th-11th September 2020. The newsletter provides further details of the ASM, which will include the plenaries and panel session, parallels sessions and poster presentations. Before the conference, on the morning of 8th September, there will be an ECR event where speakers will be sharing their experience of establishing connections within and outside of academia and there will be the opportunity to meet other ECRs. In the year ahead, the MCR plans to organise remote activities for their members and will be sharing more details shortly.